


Have you tried group yoga classes but felt lost or unseen?

Interested in meditation and yoga practice but not sure what would be right for you?

For most of its long history, yoga has been passed from teacher to student individually.  Group classes are a modern innovation, arising from the intersection of yoga and European exercise culture in colonial India.  While the class format makes yogic study much more widely available, it does not allow for the depth and personalization of direct relationship. 

The benefits of individual yoga consultation include:

  • A home practice tailored to your interests, goals and time frame: a lifelong source of inner resilience and self-maintenance
  • Postures and breath work can be learned more quickly and in greater depth than group classes allow.
  • A customized meditation practice that evolves along with you.
  • Techniques are adapted for your unique body and health situation.
  • Supported self-discovery through the lens of yoga philosophy and meditation.
  • An ongoing source of support, mentorship and encouragement
  • Co-study of yogic texts and other spiritual books that align with student goals

Grateful Yoga's teachers have decades of collective experience working with individuals and small groups.  Each of us bring a unique perspective and set of complementary skills.  You can request to meet with a particular teacher, or just get  in touch and we'll help you find the right match. 

We are especially interested in working with individuals who are ready to commit to making positive life changes that include regular yoga practice.  Some of our students have worked with us for years, some just need a few sessions to set them on the right course.  We will work with you to determine a plan that works for your schedule and budget.

See current fee schedule here